I was quite excited today to see that Wipf and Stock uploaded the information for my book to their website. You can click here to see it. It is available for purchase. In the book, I look at the way 1 Corinthians 1-4 forms identity in its hearers/readers. The book looks at this history of interpretation of 1 Cor. 1-4, then it discusses the concept of social identity, and draws insights from Tajfel and Turner's approach. Next, it looks at the various ways that the Apostle Paul is studied with regard to identity, and then it uncovers the way that social identity was an issue in Corinth in the first century. The second part of the book is an identity critical reading of 1 Cor. 1-4. It focuses on the way that previous identities influenced life within the Christ-movement, and suggests that gentile identity continues in Christ, but in a transformed way.